Friday, April 6, 2018


Today is one of Those days. The kind of day where there is so much that needs doing that you sort of shut down and don't do much of anything. The kind of day where the tv-as-babysitter trope you've been resisting all week happens with no resistance. The kind of day where my 4 year old is eating a ketchup and toast sandwich he made for himself while sitting in the car as I write this. (Don't worry - the car is in the garage.)
Right now, I'm choosing to focus on something good.
Today, my 4 year old made me and the other kids breakfast. He got everyone yogurt and spoons and oranges and toast (he is a very accomplished maker of toast). He was so excited to do so. He loves helping and serving and being kind.
Today, I talked to Rita's counselor, and she saw some of the struggle with this poor angel. We discussed some options for additional support to help meet her needs.
Today, I got all the groceries ordered and paid for online for easy pick-up later and found a couple of meal plans for freezer meals.
Today, I got all 4 of the kids dressed and in the car.
Today, my home has power and light and plenty of food...and ice cream, because it is still one of Those days.
Today, I have a Savior, family and friends who love me.
Today, and always, I have been blessed to never have been abused or seriously physically injured.
Today, I have books to read to give my brain a break...rediscovering my life-long love of reading all the time.
Today, I have direction and purpose in my life.
I am grateful for today.

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